Anonymous OS has been released.

    Author: Unknown Genre: »

    Anonymous OS has been released. but it is just false.okay read this.!
    Not long after, one of the active Anonymous Twitter accounts tweeted that the operating system is in fact fake, and is “wrapped in Trojans”.

    The OS has been downloaded over 20,000 times in less than four days, and while a couple of the comments on SourceFourge indicate that it is fake, it still has a user rating of 62%, with 37 users giving it the thumbs up.

    The same tweet has also been shared by other Anonymous-labeled accounts including AnonNewsSec and YourAnonNews:

    Whoever is behind the OS has shot back with a post, saying:

    The #anonops on their twitter account say “That Anonymous-OS is wrapped in trojans.”
    Please people… in our world, in Linux and opensource world, there is not virus.
    If any user believe that Anonymous-OS “is wrapped in trojans” or “backdoored OS by any Law enforcement Company or Hacker” please don’t download it!
    But don’t mislead the world that Linux is dangerous and has trojans!

    It’s also worth noting that in the original post announcing the OS, the well-known Anonymous slogan has seen a slight change (emphasis is our own):

    We are Anonymous.
    We do not forgive.
    We do not forget.
    Don’t expect us, we are already here!

    The departure from the typical Anonymous sign off could be an indication that there is definitely more here than meets the eye.

    Either way, whether fake or not, as we advised earlier, it’s definitely not worth taking the risk of downloading the OS, no matter how curious you happen to be.

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