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    The NATURAL WAY to GUESS the GENDER of a BABY Says the facts behind the myths of Determining the sex of the child while pregnant

    The natural way to guess the gender of a baby Says the facts behind the myths of Determining the sex of the child while pregnant. Fact vs. myth is a sign of pregnancy-Mostly the way people do when to guess the gender of the baby is looking at the shape of the belly of pregnant women. But there is some other way that is also unusual in the guess the baby's gender based on some natural markings.

    However Ultrasonography (ULTRASOUND) is the best way to detect the sex of the baby in the uterus. Some way outside of the USG considered that only a lot, but not a few myths that proved accurate.

    Some unusual natural way possible to guess the sex of your child/baby (Myth vs. fact) as quoted from The Sun:

    1. weight dad
    Myth: If your weight gain during pregnancy then your husband or his, otherwise if it is diminished or just the same then it is his son.

    Fact: a study in Denmark proves most men do not experience gaining weight while pregnant wife boy. Unknown cause, obviously only 5 among the 100 men who become more obese when his wife containing boys.

    2. selection of flavors when the cravings
    Myth: women who are pregnant girls more often food cravings-sweet sweet including chocolate, while if it contains a boy then salted food cravings more often.

    Fact: there are no data to prove the truth of this myth, most theories more associate food choices when cravings needs nutrients. For example when the body needs more salt, then the candidate's mother would be salty food cravings.

    3. Form the face of prospective mothers
    Myth: If a round face shape becomes more then most likely his daughter.

    Fact: almost all women experience weight gain during pregnancy so that his face becomes more spherical, no matter his male or female.

    Research in France proving acne even more related to the sex of the baby. In the study, 90 percent of pregnant women are breaking out on her face add a lot tend to give birth to girls.

    4. heart rate
    Myth: women who conceived a baby boy has an average heart rate below 140/minute, while if it contains female baby heart rate above 140/minute.

    Fact: Research proves the baby girl did tend to have a higher heart rate, but the differences can only be measured after the baby is born.

    5. difference in breast size
    Myth: If a right breast bigger then the baby was conceived-sex men, if left breast bigger then her baby girl.

    Fact: the hormonal Changes and the production of breast milk makes the enlarged breast size during pregnancy. However there is no evidence that breast size difference left and right related to the sex of the baby.

    6. Morning sickness
    Myth: If morning sicknes experienced by pregnant women is very severe, chances are his. On the contrary if not experiencing morning sickness or not too heavy, it's likely his baby boy.

    Fact: the difference of hormones produced by the fetal women and men suspected of triggering the difference on the perceived degree of morning sickness. Research in Sweden between 1987-1995 prove that myths are true.

    7. the temperature in the soles of the feet
    Myth: If pregnant mothers feet are often feels as cold as ice, probably his son.

    Fact: researchers from Germany, Dr. Alexander Nachnamen justify such myths. Women who are pregnant baby boy more often experience impaired circulation so that the soles of his feet were cold when we handle them.

    8. questions of prospective mothers
    Myth: an educated guess about the prospective mother baby gender is usually more accurate than husbands or other relatives.

    The most telling fact: an educated guess of course obtained based on the results of ultrasonography (ULTRASOUND). But if you rely on instinct, 71 percent of puzzle of a prospective mother about the sex of the baby they contain is always right.

    It turns out the myths surrounding pregnancy in determining/guess the gender of a baby or child is right too ya and scientifically proven ilmia/medical.

    Supported by STMK AMIKOM
