History Of The Birth Of Google+

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    As it is known, Google + Google social networking project code-named "Emerald Sea". This project originated from a statement Urs Holzle, Google's Head of Operations, one of the 10 employees of Google's first, that in order to continue to be successful then Google should find and execute their social strategy including products and services.

    According to information gleaned from books on Google titled "In the Plex: How Google Thinks, Works and Shapes Our Lives" written by Steven Levy, "Emerald Sea" is the title of the painting where there are waves crashing the ship was sailing.

    These paintings were accidentally discovered by Bradley Horowitz as he opened a Google Image Search and type in "Emerald Sea". Horowitz be ships as Google and menerjangnya waves as their competitors.

    Paintings made by artist Albert Bierstadt, Germany 1978 this impress so that these paintings were printed and enlarged and placed on the elevator floor four offices of Google.

    For the public, they've started could suspect G + as "Google's next big thing" after reading the presentation of Google's Product Manager at that time, Paul Adams.

    Paul, who currently works for Facebook as well as a figure behind the birth of the concept of Circle at G + and Groups on Facebook, made a presentation entitled "The Real Life Social Network" uploaded to SlideShare, Paul mentions that Facebook less regard for human behavior and social structure working in real life.

    Last news, the book he wrote Social Circles since June last year and is planned to be published after the G + was released, did not gain approval to be published.

    Two Key Figures

    Two key figures in the project Emerald Sea this is Vic Gundotra, Google's Senior Vice President of Engineering and Bradley Horowitz, Google's Vice President of Product Management for Google Apps.

    Gundotra, Guy who likes the software since the age of 11, handle all the Google social products including G +. Prior to assuming this position, Gundotra is Vice President of Engineering responsible for developer evangelism and open source programs.

    Prior to joining Google, bespectacled man aged 43 years it worked at Microsoft for 15 years as the General Manager for the Microsoft penggembang. Alumni of the Indian Institute of Technology is also responsible for some of the products and operating systems Microsoft Windows 3.0, NT, Windows XP, and Windows Vista.

    Horowitz's own deal with communication and social applications including Google Talk, Google Gmail, Voice, Calendar, Talk, Docs, Sites, Orkut, Picasa, Blogger and Reader.

    Prior to joining Google. doctoral candidate MIT Media Lab served as the Yahoo Vice President of Advanced Development Division which oversees the Yahoo Developer Network, Advanced Products Group, Yahoo! Research Berkeley, Technology Development Group and Methods & Practices Group.

    Some of the products that it generates is a media search, desktop search, Yahoo! Toolbar and Yahoo! Pipes. He also was instrumental in the acquisition of Flickr and MyBlogLog. At the age of 10 years has already started making applications Horowitz simple game using if-then-else.

    Taste of Apple on Google
    Other figures not less important is the legendary software artist, Andy Hertzfeld, who was a key designer of the Macintosh software team 20 years ago. Hertzfeld started working at Google in 2005 and for the first time given the spaciousness and full responsibility by the Google management to memaksimalisasi talent and ideas to kreatifnya.

    With colorful animation, drag-and-drop the "bewitching", the touch interfaces are intuitive, Circle on Google + it more looks like a "trademark" Apple comparison as the "trademark" of Google.

    Paget Google itself in social networking is already long enough. Failure in the acquisition of Myspace several years ago, making them launched Orkut in 2004 which gained an encouraging response as well as quite a lot of members in Brazil and India.

    Friendster alone is so phenomenal at that time. In the first 3 months since its launch, recorded 3 million Friendster users register themselves.

    2003 was a year marked by the birth of social networks MySpace, Plaxo, Linkedin and Hi5 followed by Facebook in 2004 and Twitter two years later.

    In addition to Orkut, Google also has YouTube acquired October 2006 and launched Google Buzz mid last year. Unfortunately the social networking that is integrating some elements of Facebook and Twitter is not earned a spot in the hearts of the public.

    The Birth Of Google +

    Discussion and debate about the name of this project is already underway is quite long and tiring. This social networking project originally called "Google Me" which was later changed to Google + 1. Many Parties estimated that Google + 1 will only send information in the shape of a stream or feed as the Facebook or Twitter where the source of the information will be retrieved from Google News and other sources of information on Google.

    The project encompasses 18 Google's products and services as well as involving 30 team meant to be completed within 100 days. Due to kompleksitasnya, a project that started in March 2010 this new can be tested internally in October 2010.

    On one day in August 2010, 8 p.m., Gundotra sending invitations via email to 50 Googlers to piloting the G +. All engineers who were invited, according to Gundotra, looks very enthusiastic.

    The invitations were finally opened to more Googlers that first hour test run is done, is already 600 people eight. At 11 pm, the performance of your server is starting to wane. This makes Gundotra had to move traffic to a server in their data center.

    The next day, 90% of Google employees around the world have already registered themselves in this program. Some of the feedback received made them should do the redesign and downsizing of the project concept.

    Once completed, the project was re-launched to tested by selected employees with very small amounts compared to the first test. Feedback received more positive than its first trials.

    After the second test was judged a success, Gundotra decided to release it to the public in limited (Field Trial) on 28 June in the trial stages named as a Field Test.

    On one occasion, Gundotra says that this project is not a Facebook killer, it's just that with G + expected users can menggunakann and enjoy social networking media better. What do you think about Google+ ?

    Reference from inet.detik.com

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